Let me start by saying that everything that influences or attracts the mass mentality is a business…… It is obvious that marketing and sales for any xyz product needs marketing and that needs a fair game of provoking mass psychology towards it by many means. But there is an ugly side effect of being in the comfort of mass mentality. It takes away your creative and spectacle thinking, it has...Read More
What makes you unique? Is it your genetics, or your upbringing? Is it your intellect or your accumulated body and mind? Is it none of it or all of it? Identity! What is identity, when I say identity it could be a hundred different qualities that makes you different from everyone else, a unique blend of primary quality, which manifests itself in a million different forms. Its amazing how understanding...Read More
Financial freedom has very little to do with the bank account, in reality it is all about your mindset, ethics, intensity of your desire and the decisions you make on a daily basis. Anyone and I mean anyone, who is willing can become financially free, given that he/she is ready to walk that path, educate themselves and practically apply the laws of great fortune with consistency. I say again, anyone...Read More
Fear and faith are two different sides of the same coin, lack of information. Once we understand something completely, there is no need for fear, nor any need for faith. They are both very important tools, necessary for survival. Most people today are motivated only either by fear or by faith. Corporations, school, religious institutions, believes, terrorism, all of them work out of fear and faith. It could do some...Read More
Do you practice your “free will”? Do you choose your act? Do you choose the information that you feed in, the food that you eat, the people that we meet, the thoughts that you process, the way you express yourself? Do you choose it or are they on a SELF ACT mode, based on past experiences and habits? Are you free to choose what is correct or are you enslaved...Read More