In the beginning of any new relationship very little or no space is left between the two-due to overwhelming feelings and if someone tries to cage and protect that relationship it starts becoming stale due to the lack of the space needed to nurture it and gradually it may also die due to suffocation while waiting to breath fresh air through the space. So it is very tied together physically without...Read More
This is an attempt to write something every day about Life, Peace, Joy and love. It’s raining and dark outside with snow and ice all over piled up from before, in the atmosphere like this I used get some what unhappy and try to decide the way out of it for good which never materialized in real world and give up helplessly, but lately by staying in touch with inner...Read More
We all live life but not ‘the’ life which means life full of energy-vitality-oozing with love-beauty and peace, and one of the main reason is we are not living life to its fullest because we think that we have full control of our life and we can mold it as per our whims and desire and get the results we want from it which is never possible as our own...Read More
Become wise by the knowledge to be fearless and create the heaven out of the hellBecome wise by the love to be fearless and create the heaven out of the hellBecome wise by the meditation to be fearless and create the heaven out of the hellBecome wise by the spiritual discourses to be fearless and create the heaven out of the hellBecome wise by the right friendship to be fearless...Read More
Most of us are thinking that we are alive because we are breathing and doing day to day activities mostly for earning the bread and butter which all of the animals also do the whole day-so can we call that a life or our selves alive? when we are doing the mechanical work day in -day out ,like a machine or at the most like animals. What sets apart humans from...Read More