In the beginning of any new relationship very little or no space is left between the two-due to overwhelming feelings and if someone tries to cage and protect that relationship it starts becoming stale due to the lack of the space needed to nurture it and gradually it may also die due to suffocation while waiting to breath fresh air through the space. So it is very tied together physically without any space between them. crucial to have a space inner/outer between any relationship for it to grow strong enough to last forever. outer space is very obvious and easily understandable that it is not possible for any two or more lives to be.
But many times people do not understand the importance of the inner space needed by each individual for their growth and freedom to flow with the life with or without the attachments and if that lack of space is ignored for the prolonged time might result in the very end of it -which was hold so tight to keep it going… so if the importance of the space is understood t hourly and honored by each-other will result in real lasting relationship.. let there be enough space for all to fly high and yet remain strongly related to each other forever.
Harshad Shah